My Speech at Ignite Craft Boston

Remember the speech for Ignite Craft Boston I was so nervous about back in January?  The video is finally up!  This was my first time speaking in front of a large audience – about 200 people attended and I talked about the crazy clothes I used to wear not that long ago.

You know, I say “you know” a lot…



  1. November 8, 2012 / 12:14 pm

    Wow, what a great speech. You did so well, it was fantastic. I enjoyed it immensely.

  2. November 8, 2012 / 3:19 pm

    Thank you so much!

  3. November 8, 2012 / 5:09 pm

    Yay Lucinda! You are absolutely right that what you wear makes a statement about you, even if you think you're just grabbing clothes to put on your body. I love the tidbit about Michael Kors too – I always wondered why he dressed so plain. Great job!

  4. November 9, 2012 / 1:42 am

    What a great speech! You have nothing to worry about when it comes to speaking before crowds. And nice tidbit about Kors. I had to idea. 🙂 Thanks!

    • November 14, 2012 / 12:07 am

      I think I remember that bit from an episode of Project Runway or something a few years back. It's just one of those little factoids that stuck with me I guess!

  5. November 12, 2012 / 8:06 pm

    and you were nervous about it?? Girl, you are totally made for speaking on stage.. you are a NATURAL!

    and yes, I absolutely agree with you – your clothing reflects who you are and at what stage of life you are in (not in chronological sense, but yeah maybe that too.. but that's not what I mean here.)

    • November 14, 2012 / 12:07 am

      I really was, I was shaking in my seat! I guess all of the impromptu presentations I do at work have really paid off.

  6. November 12, 2012 / 10:02 pm

    Well done, Lucinda! I loved your talk, and I loved seeing all the photos from your sewing history. Makes me want to get back to garment sewing. You're a great public speaker! I never noticed the "you knows." And if anyone would, it would be me. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this video!

    • November 14, 2012 / 12:06 am

      Diane, thank you so much! That really means a lot coming from you, I see your videos and podcasts as a measure for great public speaking. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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