Tips on Selecting Coat Fabrics – Video Preview

Selecting coat fabric
It’s true with any sewing project that the fabric you choose can make-or-break your garment, and when sewing a coat, it’s easily one of the most important elements to get right (no pressure!).  After all, this is a garment you’re wearing to keep you warm and protect you from the elements – the functionality of the coat fabric is critical.

But with a lot of different options available at our fingertips, thanks to so many great fabric retailers online stocking oodles of fabric, how the heck do you go about selecting a fabric that works for your pattern, your lifestyle, your climate, and know if it’s going to give you good results?

This video excerpt from my upcoming new course Create Your First Coat, launching later this year, explains how to determine if your coat fabric will be warm enough by using a simple test (and you get to see me look silly in the process).  There’s also some things to consider if you’re working with a fabric like cashmere, which I cover towards the end of the clip.

Pretty nifty, right?

If you’re interested in learning more, you can watch the entire lesson on selecting coat fabrics over at my new course site, Wardrobe Academy.


What questions do you have about sewing coats?




  1. January 21, 2016 / 8:15 pm

    Very helpful Lucinda – thank you! I’m not at the sewing developmental stage to make a coat just YET. But when I am I will hope you’ll offer your course again in the future. I think there is definitely a need for just such a program. There is are so many things to consider like linings, underlinings, padding at the shoulders (possibly), length and as you point out here, what weather you’ll be wearing the coat in. Thank you for that bit on animal fibers which are my favourite for sweaters and coats 🙂

  2. January 23, 2016 / 10:34 am

    I immediately ran to my fabric stash for two fabrics I had picked for a winter coat to blow test!! I had set a third fabric aside because I knew it would have to be a blazer, it’s too loose. Indeed, it failed, but my two warm winter coat fabrics passed. Thank you!!

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