Lil’ Gray Cape

Lil' Gray Cape

Lil' Gray Cape

Pattern: DROPS 116-19

Yarn: Cascade Lana Grande
Needles: US 17 circs
Size: Small

I love capes.  Ever since I saw the pictures from the spring runway shows, I knew I wanted a cape for fall this season.  Yes, they are impractical.  Yes, they trigger images of super heroes or Little Red Riding Hood. But damn it all, I wanted a cape this year come hook or by crook.  And why buy one when you can make one?

My initial plan was to make the Not-a-Poncho City Cape by Wendy Bernard.  It had all the elements of the RTW capes I had seen in stores, with the slits for arm-holes and a chunky ribbed collar.  When I went to my LYS Gather Here, Virginia unfortunately did not have the amount of gray Eco Wool that I needed.  Which was probably just as well; I don’t think I would have been brave enough to rock a giant knitted cape like I originally thought.  So instead I scrolled through my Ravelry queue and found a little DROPS cape pattern that I liked and some chunky gray yarn at the store that fit the bill.

Lil' Gray Cape - Back

I modified the amount of stitches I needed to cast on since my gauge was smaller on the needles I used (US 17 instead of 19).  The rest of the pattern was followed exactly, except I knitted the collar ribbing to 6″ instead of 8″ – it just seemed like it would be too much collar if I knit it to that length.

Lil' Gray Cape

I also used two buttons I had in my stash instead of three like the pattern calls for.  I like the open look just two buttons creates, and the ribbed collar has more of a sailor collar effect than a traditional fold-over collar.

I wore this to work this week since it’s been chilly in the building (seriously, is the AC still on??), but I probably will only wear it around the apartment in the coming months even though I got comments at work on how cute it looks.  It’s like a little woolly blanket that fastens around your shoulders and stays in place.  As much as I love how it looks, it doesn’t replace the warmth and functionality of a coat.

At least I’ve gotten my cape-lust out of my system now.
