Maker Faire NY

This past weekend I went to New York to visit with my sister, and my visit just happened to coincide with Maker Faire! I’ve always wanted to go and it was definitely worth the trip if anyone ever has the chance to go.

From left to right clockwise:
Martha Stewart Living Booth – I’m such a Martha freak that I had to take a picture of their awesome booth set-up. It was definitely the best looking booth at the faire.
Knitted Sod Car Cover – made entirely of Fun Fur. Read about the design here.
Stitch Zone – I loved this giant sign right outside the needlework area. Check out those giant knitting needles!
Coke Zero and Mentos Demo – yup, those guys from the YouTube video. Eeepybird did their demo, setting off over 100 bottles of Coke Zero in less than three minutes.
You can view bigger images of these photos in my Maker Faire set on flickr.