Me Made May 13


After much debate, I’ve decided to take part in Me Made May 2013.  The only reason I hesitated was because I wasn’t sure how I would change the challenge from last year.  Here’s what I pledged for Me Made May 12:

I, Lucinda of Sew Wrong, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’12. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item for each day I’m off from work for the duration of May 2012.

That meant that last year, on the weekends, I wore something me-made from my closet.  So…since I have to stick to an all black dress code for work…how do I take it up a notch this year?  Here’s how:

I, Lucinda of Sew Wrong, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13.  I endeavor to wear at least one me-made item three times a week during May 2013.

So, when I am home from work during the week or when I’m off from work on the weekends, I’ll be slipping into some of my me-made duds.  I have a lot more than I did last year, so I’m looking forward to wearing my  sewn wardrobe on a more regular basis this month!

Are you all in for Me Made May?  Have you participated in the past?
