Spring Sewing Swap – The Reveal!

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In addition to having a good mail day last week, I also received a package in the mail from my Spring Sewing Swap partner Sue, who writes the blog Sewin’ Steady.  I think I literally shrieked out loud when I opened the box – the Sewaholic Lonsdale dress pattern!!  I love the simple shaping of the dress and how the straps tie in a bow in the back.  It’s the perfect summer dress pattern!  Now just to find three yards of fabric for it…

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Sue threw in some cute buttons and vintage snaps.  Isn’t the packaging for vintage notions so much more fun and interesting than our modern day packaging?

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The fabric Sue included was also a fantastic surprise.  The above stripey fabric is a knit similar to what Andrea used for her SOS challenge earlier this spring, and the green fabric is a heavy woven that I’m not sure how to use, maybe as a blazer or something.  I have plans to make a simple racer-back tank dress from the stripey knit.

Thank you so much, Sue, for the wonderful sewing swap!  I hope you enjoyed your package as much as I did putting it together 🙂
